What is Palmistry? – Origin, Palm Lines, True Or Fake, Accuracy, Palm Reading Guide

Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha Palm line PALM LINE Prithvi Jyotisha

Palmistry, also known as Palm Reading, Hast-Samudrik Shastra, or Chiromancy, is an ancient practice that involves analyzing the lines, patterns, signs, symbols, and formations on a person’s hand to gain insight into their personality traits, past, present & future prospects, and potential events in their life. This fascinating art has a rich history and can be traced back to ancient civilizations. The origin and roots of palmistry can be found in different parts of the world.

But according to the ancient texts of Sanatan Dharma/Hinduism, it originated in ancient India, later spreading to China, Egypt, and Greece before eventually becoming popular in various other cultures.

While palmistry has captivated people for centuries, critics argue that it is merely a pseudoscience, lacking any scientific basis. And critics also question the accuracy and validity of palmistry’s claims, arguing that the lines on a person’s hand are purely based on genetics and do not hold any reliable information about their future.

However, palmistry is more commonly viewed as a form of divination and an occult practice. The palm is seen as a gateway to the mysteries of the self and the universe.

The lines on the palm are considered to be the most crucial aspect of palmistry. These lines are believed to act as channels of energy, reflecting various aspects of a person’s life and character.

However, palmists of palmistry argue that the accuracy of palm reading lies in the interpretation of the lines, symbols, signs, and the careful analysis of hand shapes, finger lengths, and other factors. They believe that the lines on a person’s hand can provide valuable insights into their character traits, abilities, and future possibilities.

In this article, you’ll learn about what palmistry actually is, Its origins from ancient texts, the purpose of palmistry, and whether palm lines are truly genetics. and a lot more!

What is Palmistry?

Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha Palm line PALM LINE Prithvi Jyotisha

Palmistry, also known as palm reading, is a practice that has been around for centuries. It is the study of interpreting the lines, signs, symbols, and markings on a person’s palm to gain insight into their personality traits, future, and even health.

The palm, specifically the lines, signs, moles, symbols, hand shapes, and the back of the palm holds a wealth of information for a skilled palmist to examine and decipher.

The most commonly analyzed lines include the life line, which gives indications of a person’s vitality and overall well-being, and the heart line, which reveals information about their emotional nature, and their heart.

Another important line is the head line, which offers insights into a person’s intellectual abilities, mindset, and how they think.

Additionally, the fate line can provide a glimpse into a person’s career and life path.

Palmistry is closely related to Vedic Astrology(Jyotish) and Samudrik Shastra (chiromancy), both of which seek to understand and interpret aspects of a person’s life through the study of their hands.

Within palmistry, there are also various markings and features that are examined, such as the marriage line, believed to provide insight into a person’s romantic relationships and potential for marriage.

Palmistry is often associated with the occult and is practiced by experienced and knowledgeable individuals known as Palmists.

The shape and structure of the Palms also hold important information in palmistry, with different hands being associated with different elements, Tattwa, and characteristics.

For example, earth hands are broad and thick, suggesting practicality and stability, while air hands are long and narrow, indicative of intellectual and communicative abilities. Similarly, fire hands are characterized by a square palm and short fingers, representing passion and creativity.

Personally, I don’t use this element’s method to figure out what type of hand is it(Air, water, or Earth). As you’ll see people are not able to decide which type of palm they have using this method.

From what I’ve read in the scriptures, and ancient texts, I use that method & I find it more accurate.

I’ll write a blog on that topic and add it here in the future.

Palmistry has its roots in ancient Indian culture/Bharat, where it has been practiced for centuries.

It has spread across the globe and continues to intrigue and fascinate people from all walks of life, offering insight and guidance through the study of one’s hands.

What’s the origin of Palmistry?

Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha Origin of palmistry Prithvi Jyotisha

The origin of Palmistry/palm reading is ancient India, often referred to as Bharat. This practice involves interpreting the lines on the palm of the hand to provide guidance and insights into various aspects of life.

According to the ancient texts of Hinduism/Sanatan Dharma, palmistry is created by Shiv ji. In ancient texts, when Maa Parvati asks Shiv Ji about how can humans (Jeevatma) deal with their pains, issues, and challenges as they can’t see the future like Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh/Shiv Ji. So, Shiv Ji tells her about this amazing wisdom of Samudrik Shastra.

It is important to note that the majority of such ancient texts were destroyed due to Muslim invasion & British Colonization. But very few pieces are left which say the info above.  You can find those pieces of ancient texts on the Indian government’s website where they keep digitalized copies of such texts.

Palmistry also known as Hast Samudrik Shastra is part of Samudrik Shastra. Samudrik Shasta focuses on the whole body of an individual for analysis and predictions.

In scriptures, like, Ramayan, Garud Puran, Bhavishya Puran, Narad Puran, and Skand Puran you’ll find some very important information on Samudrik Shastra and Palmistry.

And I also wanna tell you about a great instance from Dwapar Yuga.

When Shri Vishnu took the form of Shri Krishna avatar, all devi-devtas were happy and wanted to see him as baby Krishna.

So like everyone, Shiv ji, is excited to meet Shri Krishna so he took the form of a Blind Brahmin who knows how to read Palms. Along with Nandi Maharaj, the abode of Shiv ji took the form of the blind Brahmin’s disciple.

Both Shiv Ji and Nandi Maharaj came to meet Shri Krishna and to read his palms.

If you’re interested in reading the whole instance, you’ll find this info in Bhagavata Purana, Harivansha Purana, and Devi Bhagavata Purana.

The study of palmistry is centered around the analysis of the hand shape, signs, symbols, moles, and lines on the palm can reveal valuable information about a person’s character, destiny, and love life.

Palmistry is often considered an art rather than a science, as it involves a subjective interpretation of the human hand. Nonetheless, it gained a revival in the 19th century, attracting the attention of scholars and enthusiasts from around the world.

Even the great philosopher Aristotle showed interest in palmistry and recognized the potential insights one could gain from studying the lines on the palm.

Similarly, William John Warner, widely recognized as Cheiro, was a renowned Irish astrologer and prominent figure in the occult during the early 20th century. He gained fame for his expertise in palmistry, astrology, and Chaldean numerology.

With a self-proclaimed clairvoyant ability, he claimed to have acquired his knowledge and skills in these mystical arts during his time in India.

Although palmistry is often met with skepticism, many people find solace and guidance in this practice.

Whether one believes in it or not, the wisdom of palmistry continues to captivate the curiosity of individuals seeking to explore the mysteries of the human hand and gain insights into their lives.

Why was palmistry created?

Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha Why was palmistry created Prithvi Jyotisha

Palmistry, a practice that has intrigued and fascinated people for centuries, was created with the intention of understanding oneself and others on a deeper level.

Dating back thousands of years, this ancient art of analyzing the lines and markings on the palms of our hands has been used as a tool to uncover hidden truths and gain insight into our destiny.

It was born out of a burning desire to decipher the secrets held within our very own hands. What better way to empower ourselves than by unraveling the mysteries of our own lives?

And as I mentioned above, Maa Parvati asks Shiv Ji How can humans (Jeevatma) get help for the issues and challenges they are facing in life…”. This is actually a leela done by Maa Parvati and Shiv ji so that the people of Kalyug can find the right path and the solutions to their problems.

That is the main reason why this wisdom of palmistry was created.

Palmistry serves as a guiding light, offering us a unique perspective and allowing us to tap into our own potential.

By studying the lines etched onto our palms, we can unlock our true strengths, identify our weaknesses, and make enlightened decisions that push us toward a more fulfilling future.

It is through palmistry that we can gain a greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us, ultimately leading to personal growth, relief, guidance, and self-awareness.

Is palmistry true or not?

Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha Is palmistry true or not Prithvi Jyotisha

Palmistry, also known as palm reading, is a practice that has been around for centuries and is believed by many people around the world to provide insight into a person’s character traits, challenges & issues of life, and future.

However, it is important to approach the topic with an open mind and a critical perspective.

Many scientists and skeptics argue that palmistry is not based on solid scientific evidence and is nothing more than a form of pseudoscience.

They argue that there is no empirical evidence to support the claims made by palmists.

They also say that palm lines are purely based on genetics, but if this was true all family members would have exact same lines, signs, and symbols, on their palms. And these signs & lines will not change ever.

But family members DO NOT have exact same palm lines and signs, and the changes in palm occurs from time to time.

On the other hand, there are those who believe in palmistry, and people who have had palm readings claim to have experienced accurate readings themselves.

They argue that palmistry is an ancient art that has been passed down through generations and has helped many people gain self-awareness and make informed decisions.

It is important to respect differing opinions and beliefs when discussing palmistry.

While it may not be proven by traditional or Modern scientific methods YET, it is still a part of many cultures and has been practiced for hundreds & thousands of years.

The key is to approach palmistry with an open mind and view it as a tool for self-reflection rather than a method of predicting the future. However…

Yes, there are people who can predict everything by reading palms exists, and they are difficult to find.

But with the disciplined study of palmistry and a lot of research, you’ll be able to make many successful predictions!

Whether one believes in palmistry or not, it is essential to approach the topic with respect and understanding for those who find value in this ancient practice.

And you may have noticed that DOCTORS too study the palms of their patients to clarify the symptoms of their issues.

Like, Doctors notice the patient’s palm’s COLOR, SPOTS, SKIN, and more to check the symptoms.

So, we can say it is possible in the future palmistry might be scientifically proven.

And so far Palmistry is beyond modern science.

Can palmistry predict the future?

Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha Can palmistry predict the future Prithvi Jyotisha

If we talk about the predictions & experiences of people who had palmistry readings, you’ll often hear things like my Palmist predicted I’d travel abroad, my break up, career promotion, and my health issues. etc.

And the sole purpose behind the creation of palmistry is to find out when we might come across challenges, and why we face them.

So, if you study palmistry and do your research in a disciplined manner. You can predict the events of your life based on what your palm shows.

In our scripture and ancient texts, it is said if one wants to become a Trikaalagya (one who knows all about past, present, and future) then he must do sadhana and work on his Adhyatam (spirituality).

And no, a spiritual person / a true sadhak do not posts about – I’m feeling spiritual, and I’m a spiritual healer, I practice spirituality and other nonsense.

When I say sadhak, adhyatmik person (a spiritual person), I mean Tulsi das ji, Meera, Swami Ramsukh Das ji, Swami Vivekananda, Shri Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Pandit Shri Ram sharma, and more.

By this, I mean people like them, they are true sadhak, a truly spiritual person.

You might be wondering, aren’t all these Sadhus/Sanyasi?

And this is why I mentioned Shri Ram Sharma Ji, He and his wife, was great Grahst Sadhaks. Meaning they got married, and still become very spiritual, reaching a very high level of adhyatam that Maa Gayatri gave darshan to them whenever they asked for her.

Now the question arises, how do you find such people…?

You’ll find them we you carefully look for them, you’ll notice some things about their personality that shows they are very adhyatmik, very spiritual.

They have a unique way of guiding people, they have a way to convey their message.

If you put some heart and effort then, you’ll definitely find them.

And yes, I wanted to tell you that there’s a level of Palmistry where a palmist is able to tell you what will happen in the next 30 minutes and what you were doing before 30 mins.

Yes, India is filled with such gems!

But true gems are not easy to find and not available for everyone.

So yes, palmistry can predict the future of an individual.

The experience & research of the palmist can help in making many successful predictions. But the palm reader must be a very Adhytamik person/Spiritual so his/hers prediction may come true!

Why should I believe in palmistry?

Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha Why should I believe in palmistry Prithvi Jyotisha

Palmistry, also known as palm reading, is a practice that dates back to ancient India. It is the art of analyzing the lines, signs, symbols, moles, and shapes of the hand in order to gain insight into different aspects of an individual’s life.

Many people believe in palmistry because it provides them with a guide to understanding themselves and others better.

By studying the lines on the palm of the hand, a palmist can uncover information about a person’s love life, personality, and even future.

One of the most commonly known lines in palmistry is the love line, which begins near the little finger and runs horizontally across the palm.

Palmists believe that the length, signs, influence of other lines, and depth of this line can indicate the strength and depth of a person’s love life.

Additionally, palmists pay attention to the shape of the hand, signs, other lines influence, and the length of the fingers, as these characteristics can reveal information about a person’s personality traits.

For example, it is said that people with long fingers are more analytical and detail-oriented, while those with short fingers are more practical and action-oriented.

Palmists also consider the position of the planets, such as Venus and Jupiter, in the palm, as these celestial bodies are believed to influence different aspects of a person’s life.

Palmistry experienced a revival in the 19th century and continues to be practiced by many enthusiasts who truly believe that their life will be influenced by the lines on their palms.

So, you can believe in palmistry as it’s one of the ancient wisdoms in India and such wisdom has never let anyone down. But yeah, it is important to see who’s your palmist & his experience at the time you take consultation.

Palmistry in Vedic Astrology

Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha Palmistry in Vedic astrology Prithvi Jyotisha

Palmistry, also known as palm reading, is an intriguing aspect of astrology that has been practiced for centuries.

The art of palmistry involves interpreting the lines on a person’s palm to gain insights into his or her life.

One of the various parts of Falit Jyotish, there’s a part known as Sahita, which includes the study of Samudrik shastra. And Palmistry also known as Hast-Samudrik shastra is a small part of it.

And similar to Vedic astrology which discusses and analyzes Rashis (Zodiac signs), and Nakshatras. In Palmistry, you also have Rashis, and Nakshatras in your palm.

I’m sure you’ll like to know more about it and in future, I’ll write an article on this topic. so stay tuned and follow me.

Palm Lines & Their Meanings

Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha Palm lines Palm line Prithvi Jyotisha

Palmistry, also known as palm reading, is the art of analyzing and interpreting the meaning of various lines on a person’s palm.

Here are the various PRIMARY palm lines and their meanings:


Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha Life line LIFELINE Prithvi Jyotisha

The life line starts from the mount of Mars, near the thumb, and goes all the way toward the wrist. It majority of the palms you’ll life line end in the mount of Ketu. Life line shows medical issues, promotions, settlement, age of the specific event, and more!


Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha Mind line MINDLINE Prithvi Jyotisha

The mind line from the Mars region near the thumb (just like life line) goes towards the mount of the Moon. In the majority of the palms Mind line & Life line starts from the exact same place. This shows your mindset, decision-making power, mental issues, education, and more!


Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha Heart line HEARTLINE Prithvi Jyotisha

The heart line starts from below the mount of Mercury and goes between Index and the Middle finger. This shows your heart and feelings & you can also know about your marriage and relationships from this and more!


Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha Fate line FATELINE Prithvi Jyotisha

The Fate line is also known as the line of Saturn, The career line, and the Luck line. It can start from pretty much anywhere, but it always goes toward the mount of Saturn. These words in bold are the key to identifying the fate line in your palm. The fate line shows your career, the help of luck, financial issues (if any) healthy issues, and more!


Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha Health line HEALTHLINE Prithvi Jyotisha

The health line also known as the Line of Mercury, starts from the mount of Mercury, right below the little finger. And it goes towards the region of Venus. The purpose of this line is to show overall health & health issues.


Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha Sun line SUNLINE Prithvi Jyotisha

The Sun line, also known as the Fame line, can start from anywhere but it always goes towards the mount of the Sun. This line shows, favors from the government and government authorities, fame, respect, recognition,  relationship with father, and more!


Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha Marriage line MARRIAGELINE Prithvi Jyotisha

The marriage line is also known as the love line or relationship line. it starts from the edge of the palm but between the base the base of your little finger and the heart line.  This shows your marriage, relationships, love interests, and more!

Which is the correct palm to read?

Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha which is the correct palm to read the correct palm to read Prithvi Jyotisha

Before you study the palm lines and signs on palms it is important to figure out what type of hand you are reading, only then you should proceed to read the lines and signs on the palm.

The power, and auspiciousness of the lines and signs are influenced by the type of palm. So if you don’t want your interpretations and predictions to be wrong, I’d recommend you follow this.

And if you’ve been searching about this all over the internet you may have seen many people say that you should read your dominant palm – Left palm or Right palm.

But from my experience, this is not an accurate way to read palms.

I’ve noticed, when you read only one palm then it’s less likely for your interpretations to resonate and for your predictions to be true.

As per the scriptures, the Left palm shows past life and past events and the Right palm shows your present and future.

With that being said let me share one of the instances of my clients. Once I was reading a women’s palm and she was facing some significant issues in her marriage.

I analyzed her right palm first and saw her marriage line and heart line were not afflicted but the mounts of the planets in her palm were affected. With the info on the mounts, I couldn’t be st what was causing these issues.

So I read her left palm, where I noticed Her heart line and marriage line were affected.

This is why it is important to analyze both palms regardless of gender.

However, people still believe that girls should have their left palms read.

But I think it will be great if I explain this in a separate article in future.

(As promised, I’ve written a detailed article on how to do palm reading for female make you check it out)

So, now that you know if you should read left or right palm, I hope you won’t be confused.

Do palm lines change with time?


Yes, just like Vedic astrology Dashas the planetary periods have influence over you and they change from time to time.

Similarly, there are some palm lines & palm signs that only appear to show some indicate a clue of what might happen and they disappear after it.

And the lines they are intersecting with each other and causing some afflictions that can change over time.

This happens as we accumulate virtues, good karmas our afflictions are reduced, and the lines change over time.

So I encourage you to do a test yourself, Take a photo of your palm today and save it as a printout. After 5 years look at that photo and try to match the lines.

All of them may not change especially the primary lines, like Mind line, Heart line, Lifeline. But you can definitely expect to see many changes within your palm.

And yeah you can also do a Xerox of your palm instead of a photo.

What a palm reading can tell you?

Palmistry Palm reading Hastrekha What a palm reading can tell you Prithvi Jyotisha

Palmistry is the ancient wisdom and art of interpreting the lines and markings on a person’s palm to gain insight into their past, present, and future.

Both the dominant hand & non-dominant hand are analyzed in palmistry, as both reveal the most accurate information about the individual.

One of the most well-known aspects of palmistry is the study of the heart line and the love line, which can provide details about a person’s emotional life and relationships.

Palmistry has been practiced for centuries and has roots in various cultures, including Ancient India as the origin then it spread to China, Egypt, Greece, Isreal, and many more. I

n fact, the term “cheiro” is derived from the Greek word for hand and was named after a famous palm reader from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Vertical lines on the palm are said to represent different aspects of a person’s life, such as their career, health, and relationships.

The length, depth, and shape of these lines can provide further insight into an individual’s personality and characteristics.

Palmistry is considered a down-to-earth practice, as it is based on the physical lines and features of the hand rather than more metaphysical or supernatural beliefs.

By analyzing the palm, skilled palm readers can offer guidance and predictions about a person’s life path, potential challenges and strengths, and even their compatibility with others.


Is palm reading accurate?

The accuracy of the palm reading depends on the key factors of the palmists like Experience, Knowledge, Adhyatam (spirituality), and more! If your palmist has these factors then yes, your palm reading is likely to be accurate. Palmistry itself as a subject is very accurate but it depends on the person doing your palm reading.

Do palm lines change with time?

Yes, similar to dashes in Vedic Astrology Palm lines, signs and symbols changes over time and your karma, deeds, and virtues also influence the palm. There are many lines in the palm that only appear for a period of time to indicate its meaning and inform you what’s likely to happen. For example- Line of promotion and progress.

Is palm reading a hoax?

If you look at the history & origin of palmistry, you’ll find out that it’s being practiced for thousands of years till today. People who have knowledge, experience and have done research in their palmistry practice can prove the critics wrong. Doctors too analyze palms to identify the symptoms of their patients, similar to a palmist. And it is important to notice modern science doesn’t have an answer for everything & palmistry could be one of them.

Can palmistry predict marriage?

Yes, after analyzing the type of palm, mounts of planets, marriage line, heartline, and other factors. you must know how to calculate the timings from the palm to come to a conclusion.

Do palm readers read both hands?

This depends on individuals because some people consider reading the dominant palm, then there are some people who read right for males – left for females, and finally, some palmists like to read both palms before coming to a conclusion (This is what I recommend and I follow it myself).

What is the marriage line in hand?

The horizontal line between the base of the little finger and the heart line is called the marriage line. This also shows the long-term relationships and deep affection, and for Adhytamik Guru this line shows disciples. By analyzing the marriage line you can find out when you’re likely to get married, get into a long-term relationship, have deep affection, and more!

How do you know if your marriage is arranged or love?

Using palmistry, you must analyze the mounts of Jupiter, the mount of Venus, the Heart line, mind line, heart line, and marriage line to see if your marriage is going to be arranged of love. There are certain signs, and conditions that you must notice to find out the answer you’re looking for. It would be better & convenient if you consult a knowledgeable palmist.