What Is Panch MahaPurush Yoga In Vedic Astrology? Results Of MahaPurusha Yoga In Kundli?

Panch Mahapurush Yoga – a celestial configuration that has astrologers and seekers alike buzzing with excitement. Ancient Jyotish texts hail it as the harbinger of greatness, promising its bearers a life of extraordinary achievements and divine blessings.

You’ve likely heard whispers of its power, tales of individuals blessed with this cosmic alignment achieving unparalleled success in their chosen fields.

But here’s the twist – while Panch Mahapurush Yoga is indeed one of the most highly beneficial yoga in Vedic astrology, reality often paints a more nuanced picture. You might have encountered people with this yoga in their kundli who are still struggling with life’s challenges, their potential seemingly unrealized.

This paradox leaves many scratching their heads, wondering about the true nature of this celestial phenomenon. Don’t let this discourage you, though. The world of Vedic Astrology is complex, and Panch Mahapurush Yoga is no exception.

As you delve deeper into this blog, you’ll uncover the intricate mechanics behind the formation of these powerful yogas. You’ll learn why sometimes they don’t yield the expected results, and what factors can amplify their strength in a birth chart.

But that’s not all -you’ll be amazed by real-life examples of individuals who have Panch Mahapurush Yoga and achieved greatness.

From historical figures to modern-day success stories, these accounts will shed light on the transformative potential of this astrological alignment.

So, are you ready to unravel the mysteries of Panch Mahapurush Yoga? Then let’s start by grasping…

What is Panch MahaPurush Yoga?

What is Panch Mahapurush Yoga?

Panch Mahapurush Yoga is a powerful and auspicious combination in Vedic Astrology that holds the potential to significantly influence an individual’s life path and destiny. This celestial configuration is renowned for bestowing extraordinary qualities and opportunities upon those who possess it in their birth chart or kundli.

The term “Panch” means five, while “Mahapurush” means a great person or exalted being, indicating that this yoga has the capacity to elevate an individual to great heights in various aspects of life.

When Panch Mahapurush Yoga is present in a kundli, it generally signifies a person of exceptional character, intellect, and capabilities.

Individuals with this yoga often exhibit remarkable leadership qualities, a strong sense of purpose, and the ability to overcome challenges with grace and determination. They may find themselves naturally drawn to positions of authority and responsibility, excelling in their chosen fields of endeavor.

The influence of this yoga can manifest in various ways, such as enhanced creativity, spiritual inclination, financial prosperity, or a combination of these attributes, depending on the specific type of Mahapurush Yoga present.

The formation of Panch Mahapurush Yoga is rooted in the ancient wisdom of Vedic Astrology, as expounded in classic texts like Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra, Uttarkalamrita, Phaldeepika, Maan Sagari, Saravali, and Brihat Jataka.

According to these revered sources, this yoga is formed when one of the five planets, excluding the Sun and Moon, occupies Kendra bhavas (angular houses) in a birth chart. The Kendra bhavas are the 1st (Lagna or Ascendant), 4th, 7th, and 10th houses, and they must also be either in their own sign (Swakshetra) or in its sign of exaltation (Uchcha).

This specific placement amplifies the planet’s positive qualities and beneficial influences, creating the potential for greatness in the native’s life.

It’s important to note that while the Sun and Moon are excluded from forming Panch Mahapurush Yoga, but they play crucial roles in other astrological combinations.

The five planets that can form this yoga are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Each of these planets, when positioned correctly, gives rise to a distinct type of Mahapurush Yoga, each with its own set of characteristics and effects.

The power of Panch Mahapurush Yoga lies not just in its formation but also in how it interacts with other elements of the birth chart. While its presence is generally considered highly favorable, the overall impact can be modified by factors such as the strength of the yoga-forming planet, its associations with other planets, and the general balance of the horoscope.

Understanding Panch Mahapurush Yoga requires a holistic approach to chart interpretation. It’s not just about identifying the yoga but also about analyzing how it fits into the broader narrative of the birth chart.

This comprehensive view allows for a more accurate assessment of how yoga’s influences will manifest in an individual’s life.

And yes, Panch Mahapurush Yoga is not a monolithic concept but rather a category encompassing several specific yogas. Each of these has its own unique characteristics and effects, tailored to the nature of the planet forming it.

These individual yogas within the Panch Mahapurush category offer fascinating insights into the potential strengths and life paths of those who possess them.

Let’s explore the different types of Panch Mahapurush Yoga in detail, uncovering the specific qualities and life areas each one influences.

Types Of Panch MahaPurush Yogas

Types Of Panch MahaPurush Yogas

Panch Mahapurush Yoga, a powerful astrological configuration in Vedic Astrology, comprises five distinct types, each associated with a specific planet and its unique qualities. These yogas are formed when Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, or Saturn occupy their own sign or sign of exaltation in a Kendra house (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th) in a birth chart.

Let’s explore each of these yogas, their formation, and the results they typically bring:

Ruchaka Yoga (Mars):

This powerful yoga occurs when Mars is positioned in either its own signs or exaltation sign, in a Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10) house. Ruchaka Yoga bestows individuals with success, strong leadership qualities, courage, and physical prowess.

Individuals with Ruchaka yoga in their birth chart often possess a commanding personality, excel in competitive fields, and have a natural inclination towards sports, military, or executive roles.

The presence of ruchaka yoga makes the native action-oriented, ambitious, hardworking, and capable of overcoming significant challenges.

Classics say a native with Ruchaka yoga will have line marks on his hands & feet, medium tall in height, and a longish face.

Ruchaka Yoga forms only in the following ascendents:

  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius

Bhadra Yoga (Mercury):

Bhadra yoga is formed when Mercury occupies either its own signs or exaltation sign, in a Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10). Individuals with Bhadra Yoga in their kundli are often blessed with sharp intellect, excellent communication skills, and a knack for business and commerce.

They tend to be quick-witted, adaptable, and possess a natural ability to learn and process information rapidly.

The presence of Bhadra yoga can make a person highly analytical and skilled in fields such as writing, teaching, or any profession requiring mental agility.

Classics say a native with bhadra yoga will have a conch, sword, elephant, mace (club), flower, arrow, flag, Chakra (Circular mystic figure), lotus, plow, etc., on his hand and feet.

Bhadra Yoga forms only in the following ascendents:

  • Gemini
  • Virgo
  • Sagittarius
  • Pisces

It forms only in the dual sign ascendents.

Hamsa Yoga | Hansa Yoga (Jupiter):

Jupiter forms this yoga.

Hamsa yoga is formed when it occupies either its own signs or exaltation sign, in a Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10) house. Hamsa Yoga is associated with wisdom, spirituality, and good fortune.

individuals with hamsa yoga often have a philosophical bent of mind and strong moral principles. They may achieve success in fields related to wisdom, philosophy, education, law, spiritual pursuits, and more!

They tend to be optimistic, and generous and often play the role of a guide or mentor in their social circles.

Classics say a native with bhadra yoga will have figures of conch, lotus, hooks (Ankusha), fish, trident, and a string of beads (rosary) on hands & feet.

Hamsa Yoga forms only in the following ascendents:

  • Aries
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Pisces

Malavya Yoga (Venus):

Venus forms this yoga when it occupies either its own signs (Taurus or Libra) or exaltation sign, in a Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10) house. Malavya Yoga brings financial prosperity, artistic talents, devotion, and a refined aesthetic sense.

Individuals with malavya yoga in their horoscope often have charming personalities, enjoy luxuries, and may excel in fields related to arts, beauty, or diplomacy.

The presence of malavya yoga tends to give harmonious relationships and a natural ability to create beauty and balance in their surroundings.

Malavya Yoga forms only in the following ascendents:

  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces

Malavya Yoga can form in every lagna. 

Sasha Yoga | Shash Yoga (Saturn):

This yoga is formed when Saturn occupies either its own signs (Capricorn or Aquarius) or exaltation sign, in a Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10) house. Sasha Yoga – Sasa Yoga brings discipline, perseverance, and the ability to handle responsibilities effectively.

Individuals with Sasha yoga in their kundali often excel in fields requiring long-term planning, patience, and structured thinking.

The presence of Sasha yoga makes the native hardworking, practical, and capable of achieving success through persistent efforts.

Classics say a native with Shasha yoga will have figures of a palanquin, conch, arrow, Mridanga, (percussion), beads string (rosary), and lines like Veena on hands & feet.

Sasha Yoga forms only in the following ascendents:

  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius

Sasha Yoga can form in all lagnas’ except Jupiter-ruled ascendents.

Now, while these yogas are indeed considered highly auspicious and are associated with success, it’s important to consider how common they are in birth charts.

How Rare Is Panch Mahapurusha Yoga?

How Rare Is Panch Mahapurusha Yoga?

Let’s walk through the calculation to determine how many people could have Panch Mahapurush Yoga in their birth charts.

Key Factors:

  1. Planets Involved: Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.
  2. Conditions for Yoga:
    • The planets must be in their own sign or exalted sign.
    • The planets must be in a Kendra house (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house) from the ascendant.

Step-by-Step Calculation:

1. Saturn (Shani)

  • Duration in own/exalted sign: Saturn spends 7.5 years out of 30 years in Libra (exalted), Capricorn, and Aquarius (its own signs). 7.530×100=25%\frac{7.5}{30} \times 100 = 25\%307.5​×100=25%
  • Kendra Probability: Since there are 4 Kendra houses in a chart (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th), the chance that Saturn will also be in a Kendra is: 25%×412=8.33%25\% \times \frac{4}{12} = 8.33\%25%×124​=8.33%

2. Mars (Mangal)

  • Duration in own/exalted sign: Mars spends 7.5 years in Aries (own), Scorpio (own), or Capricorn (exalted) in a 30-year cycle. 7.530×100=25%\frac{7.5}{30} \times 100 = 25\%307.5​×100=25%
  • Kendra Probability: 25%×412=8.33%25\% \times \frac{4}{12} = 8.33\%25%×124​=8.33%

3. Jupiter (Guru)

  • Duration in own/exalted sign: Jupiter spends 9 years in Cancer (exalted), Sagittarius, or Pisces (its own signs) in 30 years. 930×100=30%\frac{9}{30} \times 100 = 30\%309​×100=30%
  • Kendra Probability: 30%×412=10%30\% \times \frac{4}{12} = 10\%30%×124​=10%

4. Venus (Shukra)

  • Duration in own/exalted sign: Venus spends 6 years in Taurus, Libra (own signs), or Pisces (exalted). 630×100=20%\frac{6}{30} \times 100 = 20\%306​×100=20%
  • Kendra Probability: 20%×412=6.67+\% \times \frac{4}{12} = 6.67\+%×124​=6.67%

5. Mercury (Budh)

  • Duration in own/exalted sign: Mercury spends 4 years in Gemini or Virgo (its own signs) in 30 years. 430×100=13.33%\frac{4}{30} \times 100 = 13.33\%304​×100=13.33%
  • Kendra Probability: 13.33%×412=4.44%13.33\% \times \frac{4}{12} = 4.44\%13.33%×124​=4.44%

Total Percentage of People Who Could Have Panch Mahapurush Yoga:

Now, we sum up the probabilities for all five planets:

8.33% (Saturn)+8.33% (Mars)+10% (Jupiter)+6.67% (Venus)+4.44% (Mercury)=37.77%8.33\% \ (\text{Saturn}) + 8.33\% \ (\text{Mars}) + 10\% \ (\text{Jupiter}) + 6.67\% \ (\text{Venus}) + 4.44\% \ (\text{Mercury}) = 37.77\%8.33% (Saturn)+8.33% (Mars)+10% (Jupiter)+6.67% (Venus)+4.44% (Mercury)=37.77%

Conclusion: Approximately 37.77% of people have the potential to form some kind of Panch Mahapurush Yoga in their birth chart.

Cancellation Of Panch MahaPurush Yoga

Cancellation Of Panch MahaPurush Yoga

While Panch Mahapurush Yoga is often celebrated as a powerful and auspicious position in Vedic Astrology, it’s crucial to understand that its mere presence in a kundli doesn’t guarantee automatic success or fame.

There are specific conditions under which Panch Mahapurush Yoga can yield less favorable results or even see the effects of the yoga may not be fulfilled or effects might significantly reduce.

This revelation often surprises many seekers who might have assumed that these yogas always bring positive outcomes.

Understanding the nuances of Panch Mahapurush Yoga cancellation is essential for a more accurate interpretation of its impact on an individual’s life.

Let’s dig deep into the various factors that can weaken or cancel the effects of each type of Panch Mahapurush Yoga as per one of the classics of Jyotish, Deva Keralam:

Ruchaka Yoga (Mars):

The power of Ruchaka Yoga can be diminished under certain circumstances.

  • If Mars aspects Saturn or is placed with Saturn, it reduces the fruits and weakens the Ruchaka Yoga. This planetary interaction can dampen the courage and leadership qualities typically associated with this yoga.

Bhadra Yoga (Mercury):

Bhadra Yoga, known for bestowing intelligence and communication skills, also has its vulnerabilities.

  • If Jupiter aspects or is placed with Mercury, it reduces the fruits and weakens the Bhadra Yoga. This combination can potentially dilute the quick thinking and adaptability usually granted by this yoga.

Hamsa Yoga (Jupiter):

The wisdom and prosperity associated with Hamsa Yoga get compromised in certain planetary alignments.

  • If Mars aspects the Moon or is placed with the Moon, it reduces the fruits and weakens the Hamsa Yoga. This interaction can potentially disrupt the balance and spiritual inclination typically brought by this yoga.

Malavya Yoga (Venus)

The artistic talents and charm of Malavya Yoga can be affected by specific planetary positions.

  • If Saturn aspects Jupiter or is placed with Jupiter, it reduces the fruits and weakens the Malavya Yoga. This combination can potentially dampen the refined aesthetic sense and diplomatic skills usually granted by this yoga.

Sasha Yoga (Saturn):

The discipline and organizational skills associated with Sasha Yoga can also be compromised.

  • If Mercury aspects Venus or is placed with Mercury, it reduces the fruits and weakens the Sasha Yoga. This planetary interaction can potentially dilute the patience and practical wisdom typically bestowed by this yoga.

It’s important to note that these cancellation rules are not absolute and can vary in their impact depending on other factors in the birth chart.

For instance, the Deva Keralam classic Jyotish text provides the above insights for the cancellation of Panch Mahapurush yoga strength specifically for exalted planets forming the yoga.

“When an exalted planet forms a Panch Mahapurush Yoga, and the lord of the exaltation sign is aspected by its debilitation sign lord, it will reduce the fruits or weaken the yoga”.

For example, if exalted Venus forms a Panch Mahapurush Yoga and Jupiter (the exaltation sign lord of Venus) is aspected by or conjunct with Saturn (the debilitation sign lord of Jupiter). In that case, this will reduce the fruits or weaken the Panch Mahapurush Yoga.

However, this particular cancellation rule only applies to the exalted planets forming Panch Mahapurush Yoga.

Cancellation of Panch Mahapurush Yogas formed by own sign.

If the yoga-forming planet is in the 7th house from the Kendra where it forms the yoga, it becomes a maraka planet, which reduces its beneficial fruits.

Furthermore, suppose Ketu is also placed with the yoga-forming planet. In that case, it generally reduces the fruits or weakens the Panch Mahapurush Yoga, except when Ketu is in the Lagna (1st house), which is always considered benefic.

The presence of Ketu with a Panch Mahapurush Yoga-forming planet is particularly interesting. Although Ketu generally gives results of the sign it is placed in and its conjunctions, its inherent nature of detachment can reduce the materialistic benefits typically associated with Panch Mahapurush Yogas.

For instance, Ruchaka yoga in the 7th house with Ketu can create a powerful manglik dosh, potentially leading to multiple relationships or marriages rather than a single, stable one.

Other rules for the cancellation of Panch Mahapurush Yogas

In Maan sagari, a classic text of Jyotish, it is highlighted that the Sun and Moon are excluded in the formation of Panch Mahapurush yoga. When the Sun and Moon are conjunct to the planets forming panch maha purush yoga, it renders auspicious results in their dasha but it will not give kingship status. This shows:

“When the Sun or Moon is in conjunction with the planet-forming panch mahapurush yoga, it reduces & weakens its potential”.

Similarly, when planets forming panch mahapurush yoga are combust (too close to the sun), this reduces the effects of the yoga.

Another important thing you cannot ignore is when planets forming panch mahapurush yoga are afflicted by malefic planets, this also reduces the potential of panch mahapurush yoga.

And don’t be confused when yoga is debilitated because debilitated planets do not form panch mahapurush yoga.

Understanding these cancellation and reduction factors is crucial for a holistic interpretation of Panch Mahapurush Yogas in a birth chart.

It highlights the complexity of Vedic Astrology and emphasizes that no single astrological combination can be viewed in isolation.

The interplay of various planetary positions, aspects, and yogas must be considered to understand their impact on an individual’s life comprehensively.

What Makes Panch MahaPurush Yoga Most Powerful in the Kundli?

What Makes Panch MahaPurush Yoga Most Powerful in the Kundli?

The power and potential of Panch Mahapurush Yoga in a Kundli can be significantly amplified under certain astrological conditions. When these yogas reach their full potential, they can bestow extraordinary qualities and opportunities upon the natives.

It is crucial for both astrologers and individuals seeking to understand what makes these yogas most powerful.

Let’s dive into the conditions that elevate each Panch Mahapurush Yoga to its zenith:

Ruchaka Yoga (Mars):

When Venus aspects Mars or is placed with Mars, it strengthens Ruchak Yoga.

Bhadra Yoga (Mercury):

Bhadra yoga will strengthen when Mercury is in a positive condition only, with no malefic influence.

Hamsa Yoga (Jupiter):

When Venus aspects the Moon or is placed with the Moon, it strengthens Hamsa Yoga.

Malavya Yoga (Venus)

When the Moon aspects Jupiter or is placed with Jupiter, it strengthens Malavya Yoga.

Sasha Yoga (Saturn):

When Jupiter aspects Venus or is placed with Venus, it strengthens Sasha Yoga.

However, it is important to note that the above conditions are only applicable when panch mahapurush yoga is formed by exaltation.

Another important condition that applies to panch mahapurusha yoga formed by its own sign, as well as the exaltation sign, is:

“It gives the best results in its own sign ascendants & when it is connected to the Trikona house/lords”.

Examples Of People With Panch MahaPurush Yoga In The Kundli

Examples Of People With Panch MahaPurush Yoga In The Kundli

Now let’s analyze the examples of panch mahapurusha yogas in the horoscopes of well-known people. And effects of the panch mahapurush yoga in the horoscope.

Example Of Ruchaka Yoga:

  • Greta Garbo

Greta Garbo's birth chart

Greta Garbo was a Tauras ascendent and her Ruchaka yoga forms in the 7th house in the Scorpio sign. She started as a model and then became an actress. she was forced to work after her father died in 1920 at the age of 14. She began her first job as a lather girl in a barbershop and later modeled hats for a PUB department store.

In the fall of 1920, Greta was selected to model hats for PUB’s spring catalog and appeared in a promotional film.  her Mars mahadasha and Antar Dasha started in May 1921. In 1922 she met a director Erik Petschler, who offered her a role in the film Luffar-Petter (Peter the Tramp) at the age of 17.

She had never aspired to be in films before, but after doing the Ad, things changed. In September 1922 she joined the Royal Dramatic Theater Academy in Stockholm. On December 26, 1922, Luffar-Petter premieres but she doesn’t get much fame.

But in 1924 Greta starred in the movie – Gösta Berlings Saga, which marked her rise to fame; she adopted the name “Garbo” given by director Mauritz Stiller. In 1926 she arrived in Hollywood for her first American film – The Torrent.

In 1927 – 1929 Greta gained fame with films like Flesh and the Devil, Love, and A Woman of Affairs, often co-starring with John Gilbert who was also her lover then. her Mars Mahadasha ended in May 1928, but by then she had already marked her name in Hollywood.

Her ruchaka yoga forms in the 7th house in its own sign. This gave her fame, success, and many relationships, and she was also seen as a sex symbol.

At least two men, Swedish publisher Lars Saxon and American silent film star John Gilbert are said to have proposed to Garbo three times. But in a letter on MGM notepaper, obtained by the Postal Museum, she writes to Saxon: ‘I will probably remain a bachelor all my life. “Wife” is such an uggly word”.

Yes, these were her own words. And if you look into her D9 chart, you’ll see a clear picture.

  • Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler's birth chart

Adolf Hitler was a Libra ascendent and his Ruchaka yoga forms in the 7th house in the Aries sign. Hitler, the Nazi dictator of Germany, the architecture of one of history’s darkest periods, perpetrating genocide and driving the world into World War II, fueled by extreme racism and fascist ideology.

Hitler moved to Vienna to become an artist, but he was rejected twice by the Vienna art school in 1907, Hitler later in 1913 relocated to Munich, Germany, and on 1 August 1914 he joined the Bavarian Army at the outbreak of World War I, right around when his Mars antardasha started. he was wounded in the battle of Somme in October 1916.

He attended a meeting with the German Workers Party, which later became the Nazi Party. In November 1923, Hitler led the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich, an unsuccessful coup attempt, later he was arrested and sentenced to prison. His Mars Mahadasha also started in November 1923.

While imprisoned, he wrote Mein Kampf, outlining his political ideology and plans for Germany. And in 1925 Hitler established the Schutzstaffel (SS), which became a key institution in the Nazi regime. This was in the Mars Mahadasha.

In his Rahu Mahadasha and Antardasha, (1932) the Nazi party become the largest party in the Reichstag following elections. Later by the end of January 1933, Hitler was appointed as a chancellor of Germany by President Paul Von Hindenburg.

Shortly after in March 1933, the Reichstag passed the “Enabling Act” allowing Hitler to create laws without parliament’s consent, effectively establishing his dictatorship.

See, the dispositor of Rahu is mercury which is placed in the 7th house with Mars forming ruchaka yoga and along with the Sun and Venus

Example Of Bhadra Yoga:

  • MS Dhoni

MS Dhoni's birth chart

Mahendra Singh Dhoni is a Gemini ascendent and Bhadra yoga forms in his lagna in Gemini sign. Dhoni is one of the most famous, successful, and highest-paid Indian cricketers. Dhoni aspired to become a cricketer from a very young age.

In 1998, he was selected for the Central Coal Fields Limited (CCL) team and began his cricket career. This was in Mars Mahadasha and Rahu Antardasha. Mars is the karaka of sports and it rules 6th and 11th houses. Mars here does form Harsha Vipreet yoga, but it also strengthens the 6th house of competition.

Dhoni did face a lot of competition in his life but Mars’s 4th aspect of the Moon and Saturn’s 3rd aspect on the 6th shows his secure mindset, and hard work helped him conquer the competition. In 1999 Dhoni made his Ranji Trophy debut for Bihar at 18.

In August 2008, he led India as a captain to its first bilateral ODI series victory in Sri Lanka and won the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award. In August 2011, under Rahu Mahadasha and Saturn Antardasha, Dhoni played a pivotal role in India’s World Cup victory against Sri Lanka, scoring an unbeaten 91 runs and finishing the match with a six.

His Mercury’s antar dasha started in April 2012, and in 2013 he led India to victory in the ICC Champions Trophy, becoming the first captain to win all three major ICC trophies (T20 World Cup, ODI World Cup, and Champions Trophy).

His Bhadra yoga gave him a lot of fame, successful victories, and captaincy. His fame and success also got him many brand deals, giving him a lot of wealth.

  • PV Narasimha Rao 

PV Narasimha Rao's birth chart

PV Narasimha Rao was a Virgo ascendant, and his Bhadra forms in the 10th house in the Gemini sign, along with Mars and the Sun. PV Narasimha Rao was one of the top politicians of his time, in his career he held many ministries and also served as the Chief Minister Of Andhra Pradesh, and the Prime Minister Of India.

PV Rao’s career started in 1957 when he was under Venus Mahadasha and Sun Antardasha, and in his Mercury’s dasha in 1971, he was elected as the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh til 1973, where he managed many ministries.

In his Sun mahadasha and Rahu antar dasha he became the General Secretary of All India Congress Committee for 1975-1976. He became a member of Lok Sabha in 1977 under Sun – Saturn Dasha. If you look into his D10 chart you’ll see Neech bhang Rajyoga of Saturn and Sun, in the 4th and 10th house.

He managed various ministers from 1977 to 1991. After Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated in May 1991, he became the Prime Minister Of India. This happened in Mars Mahadasha Rahu Antardasha, by using the Argala from the Jamini system you can clearly see why excelled in his career.

But upon the criticism of how he handled the riots during his rule in 1992, during the elections for the next term PV Rao lost the vote of confidence and resigned from his post of Prime Minister of India. he resigned in Mars – Venus dasha. because in the D10 chart, Venus rules the 3rd house of Retirement and 10th house of Source of Income, and Venus is heavily afflicted by Saturn and Mars aspect.

Example Of Hamsa Yoga:

  • Walt Disney

Walt Disney's birth chart

Walter Disney was a Virgo ascendant, and his Hamsa yoga forms in the 4th house in the Sagittarius sign. Walt Disney is a famous Director, Entrepreneur, and cartoonist. At the age of 9, the Disney family moves to a farm where Walter spends most of his time drawing and imagining. When he turned 10, he discovered his love for movies while delivering newspapers in Missouri.

In 1917 Disney enrolled in the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, aspiring to become a newspaper cartoonist. In the next years, he lies about his age to enlist in the American Ambulance Corps during World War I and serves in France. This happened in his Rahu Mahadasha and Jupiter Antardasha.

Then returned from France and began working at Pesmen-Rubin Art Studio in Kansas City, and in 1920 he formed a commercial art company with Ub Iwerks, but it failed after one month. But in 1923 Walter Moved to Hollywood with his brother Roy and established the Disney Brothers Studio, which later became Walt Disney Productions – this took place in his Rahu M.D & Mercury A.D.

he met his wife Lillian Bounds who worked at his studio as an inker, he later married her in July 1925 in Rahu – Ketu Dasha. Then in 1928, he created the iconic “Mickey Mouse” the first synchronized sound cartoon featuring – Mickey on November 18. Mickey House merchandise and the Mickey Mouse Club launched in 1930 which quickly gained one million members.

Then on December 21, 1937, in his Jupiter Mahadasha and Mercury Antardasha he released “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” the first full-length animated feature film, which became a massive success. and the rest is history.

  • Prince Harry – Duke of Sussex

Prince Harry's birth chart

Prince Harry is a Sagitarrius ascendent and his Hamsa yoga forms in the lagna. Prince Harry is the son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana (Princess of Wales), Harry is not only the Duke of Sussex, but he also served in the military.

In Mars Mahadasha and Jupiter Antardasha – in 2001 he joined Eton College, and in Saturn’s Anatardasha in April 2003, he began military training at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. In Mars – Venus dasha in April 2003 he graduated from Sandhurst and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Blues and Royals regiment.

Harry also has a Neech bhang Raj yoga by Venus in the 10th house. In his Rahu – Jupiter dasha he completed his second tour of duty in Afghanistan, serving for twenty weeks with the Army Air Corps.

His Jupiter Mahadasha is yet to come in 2025.

Examples Of Malavya Yoga:

  • Anadamayi maa

Anandamayi Maa's birth chart

Anandamayi Maa was a Pisces ascendent and her Malavya yoga forms in lagna in Pisces sign. Maa was a religious leader and one of the greatest divine souls. she was a great sadhak and loving devotee of Maa Kali – the Hindu Goddess.

her time of birth is not that accurate, so I’ll mention some things I’ve heard, about her.

1908: At 12 years and 10 months, she is married to Ramani Mohan Chakravarti (commonly known as Bholanath) in a traditional arranged marriage.

1913-1918: Five years after her marriage at her brother-in-law’s home in Ashtagram, attending to housework in a withdrawn meditative state.

1914: At 18, Anandamayi Ma moves to Ashtagram with her husband. During this period, she begins to attract attention for her spiritual presence and experiences.

August 3, 1922: Experiences a profound spiritual awakening and performs self-initiation, marking a significant turning point in her spiritual journey.

1924: Begins spending time at Siddheshwari, a sacred site in Dhaka, where she finds an abandoned temple dedicated to Goddess Kali. She often stays there overnight.

October 1925: Ends her period of silence and begins interacting with followers who come to seek her blessings.

1929: The first ashram dedicated to Anandamayi Ma is established in Ramna, Dhaka, due to the increasing number of her followers.

June 2, 1932: Leaves Dhaka for Dehradun with her husband, marking the beginning of a new phase of their life.

1933: Notable figures such as Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru learn about Anandamayi Ma and begin visiting her.

August 1937: Jyotish Chandra Roy, known as “Bhaiji”, passes away in Almora.

May 1938: Bholanath, Anandamayi Ma’s husband, passes away in the Kishenpur Ashram.

1950s: The establishment of the “Sri Sri Ma Anandamayi Sangh” in Varanasi marks the institutionalization of her teachings and philosophy.

August 27, 1982: Anandamayi Ma passes away in Dehradun at the age of 86.

August 29, 1982: A samadhi (shrine) is built in her honor at Kankhal near Haridwar, where devotees continue to pay their respects.

Although she married an older man, her husband never consummated their marriage and stayed like her disciple.

It is witnessed by many of her disciples and followers that when she used to go deep into meditation, she’d make mudras, and asanas, and she used to levitate in her meditation. I know it sounds bizarre but many witnessed it.

Anandamayi maa had followers globally and some of them were Kamla Nehru – wife of India’s prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru – Prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi – successor of J Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi, Rajendra Prasad, Sarvapally Radha Krishnan, Abraham Jacob, (Swami Vijyananda) a french Physician, Richard Lenoy -British Photographer, Arnaud Desjardins – French Film Producer, Miriam Orr, – Italian, Alexendar Lipski, and many more.

  • Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein's birth chart

Albert Einstein was a Gemini ascendent and his Malavya yoga forms in the 10th house in the Pisces sign with Mercury, Sun, and Saturn. Albert Einstein is a Nobel Prize winner and one of the most renowned scientists.

Einstein moved to Munich, Germany with his family in 1880, under the Mahadasha of Mercury, Mars Antardasha. this can be clearly seen from his birth chart that Mercury rules the Lagna and 4th house, it is placed in the 10th house with the 8th lord & 12th lord and Mars is also 8th from Lagna.

Later in 1894, his family moved to Italy but he remained in Munich for his education (Ketu is in the 2nd house of the family, Ketu is the karaka of the 12th house – goodbyes, separation. At the age of 16, Einstein wrote his first scholarly paper on magnetism in 1895 under the Ketu mahadasha and Mercury antardasha.

Mercury is forming a neech bhang raj yoga. Later in 1902 in his Venus-Mars dasha Einstein took a job at teh Swiss patent office, and in 1905 in Venus Rahu dasha he published four groundbreaking papers, including those on the photoelectric effect and special relativity, introducing the famous equation E = mc².

On November 6th, 1919, A solar eclipse confirmed his predictions and he gained international fame. This happened in Sun – Mercury dasha.

Einstein was honored with a Nobel prize in 1921 under his Sun – Venus dasha, for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.

His Malavya yoga gave him fame and honored him with a Nobel prize.

Examples Of Sasha Yoga:

  • Margret Thatcher

Margret Thatcher's Birth Chart

Margret Thatcher was a Libra ascendent and her Sasha yoga | Shasha yoga forms in the Lagna in the Libra sign.

Margret Thatcher was the first female prime minister of the United Kingdom. she was born to Alfred Roberts, a grocer and local politician, and Beatrice Ethel Stephenson. her father’s success as a small business owner allowed the family to live a stable life, and she received a good education, eventually attending the University of Oxford where she studied chemistry

she joined Oxford in 1943 and became president of the Oxford University Conservative Association; this happened in her Venus mahadasha and Saturn Antardasha. In her birth chart, Saturn rules the 4th – local seat of power & 5th – educationhouse and Venus rules that Lagna. In the D9 chart, Saturn and Venus both are debilitated but forms a neech bhang raj yoga, where Saturn rules the Lagna and 12th house, and Venus rules the 5th and 10th house.

Saturn forms neech bhang raj yoga in the 4th house and Venus forms NBRY in the 9th house.

In June 1970 Margret was appointed as secretary of the state for education and science, in Edward Heath’s government. But later she faced humiliation in January 1970, when she abolished a provision to no free school milk for students above 7 years old (in Mars – Ketu dasha – check dispositor of Ketu in D1 & D9).

This decision sparked significant public outcry and led to her being dubbed “Thatcher, Thatcher, milk snatcher” by opponents in Parliament and the press. This happened when Saturn was transiting her 8th house – the house of humiliation, in Mars – Venus dasha.

In February 1975, she was elected leader of the Conservative Party after defeating Edward Heath (prime minister of the UK) in a leadership contest (Rahu – Rahu dasha)

On May 4, 1979, she became the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom after winning the general election with a 44-seat majority, this happened in Rahu – Saturn – Venus dasha.

her Shasha yoga made her the first female prime minister of the UK.

  • Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe's birth chart

Marilyn Monroe was a Cancer ascendent and her Shash yoga forms in the 4th house in the Libra sign.

Marilyn Monroe was one of the most famous and iconic actors in the history of Hollywood. But her life was not happy and blissful, when she was 11 years old she was sexually assaulted (I will cover this topic extensively some other time). Reports indicate that during her childhood, she faced multiple instances of abuse, including being molested by her foster father’s friend. But the details surrounding those incidents remain largely undocumented.

In her later life, Monroe did encounter several powerful men in Hollywood who exploited her, but there is no record of legal actions taken against them for their misconduct. But let’s get into some events of her life.

In 1944, she began work on an assembly line at the Radio Plane Company, where she was photographed for a promotional piece on women in the war effort, attracting the attention of modeling agents (In Rahu Mahadasha and Venus Antardasha).

Venus rules the 4th and 11th house in D1 and the 5th house and 10th house in D9. Venus is in its own sign in the 5th house of D9.

In September 1946, she signed a contract with Twentieth Century-Fox, rechristened Marilyn Monroe, and dyed her hair blonde. This happened in Rahu – Sun Dasha, Mercury is the dispositor of Rahu, placed in the 11th house with Sun and getting aspected by the 10th lord Mars. Even in D9, they are closely connected with the 10th house.

But later this contract was dropped and she signed another contract with Columbia Pictures & lent her singing voice to the musical Ladies of the Chorus in 1948.

In 1949, Marilyn met agent Johnny Hyde at a New Year’s party; he helped her land roles in Love Happy and The Fireball, this happened in Rahu – Mars dasha. If you understand argala, look how good argala that 10th house is receiving from Mars and Jupiter. And by Parashari Mars ruled the 5th and 10th and Jupiter ruled the 6th and 9th house, thus both trikona lords in the 8th house.

And under the Jupiter – Jupiter dasha, 1950, Marilyn posed nude for a calendar, which was used in the launch of Playboy magazine in December 1953. she also appears on the cover of Life magazine and stars in the hit films Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and How to Marry a Millionaire (Jupiter.- Saturn dasha).

She indeed became a great star, but she did have a difficult life as she was addicted to drugs and endured multiple Sexual assaults.

(The credit of this blog goes to VP Goel Ji).


What is panch mahapurush yoga?

Panch mahapurush yoga is one of the most powerful and auspicious yoga in Vedic Astrology. People with this yoga possess a strong set of qualities and abilities that make them very influential and extraordinary. It is highly beneficial yoga in Vedic astrology that people with this yoga may become very successful and get many opportunities to rise in life. Panch mahapurush yoga in a person’s horoscope increases the qualities of the planet-forming it, allowing the native to succeed and move ahead in their purpose.

What are the 5 Mahapurush yoga?

The 5 mahapurush yoga are Ruchaka Yoga – Mars, Bhadra Yoga – Mercury, Hamsa Yoga – Jupiter, Malavya Yoga – Venus, and Sasha  Yoga – Saturn. Panch Mahapurush yoga is formed when one of these five planets is its its own sign or the exaltation sign, in the Kendra houses (1, 4, 7, 10).

Which is the most powerful Mahapurusha yoga?

Mahapurush yoga is a highly beneficial and very powerful yoga and can make a person very successful. However, each Panch Mahapurush yoga becomes the most powerful when the planets form this yoga in their respective ascendant. And when there’s no malefic affliction or influence. Another important thing is when the planet-forming yoga gets aspects or is placed with the exaltation sign lord of its exaltation lord. For example, If Venus aspects Mars or is placed with Mars forming Ruchaka yoga, this strengthens the yoga.

What is ruchaka panch mahapurush yoga?

Ruchaka yoga forms when Mars is positioned in either its own signs or exaltation sign, in a Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10) house. People blessed with ruchaka yoga have great qualities of Mars that make them successful, strong in leadership qualities, courage, and physical prowess.

What are the benefits of Hamsa Panch Mahapurush yoga?

Hamsa yoga, one of the panch mahapurush yoga, gives great qualities of Jupiter to the natives like wisdom, a philosophical mind, strong morals, and principles, knowledge, and even spiritual wisdom. It can also make the person generous, helpful, and a great advisor. Such qualities help the natives rise high in life and influence a lot of people.

What is the meaning of Bhadra Panch Mahapurush yoga?

Bhadra yoga is Mercury’s mahapurush yoga. When Mercury is positioned in either its own signs or exaltation sign, in a Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10) house, this forms Bhadra yoga. Bhadra yoga provides great qualities of worldly wisdom that make a person highly analytical and skilled in fields such as writing, teaching, or any profession requiring mental agility.

What is malavya panch mahapurush yoga?

Malavya yoga is one of the panch mahapurush yoga which is formed by Venus. Malavya yoga forms when Venus is positioned in either its own signs or exaltation sign, in a Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10) house. Malavya yoga in a person’s horoscope gives them a charming personality, and luxuries, and may excel in fields related to arts, beauty, or diplomacy. Malavya yoga is a highly beneficial yoga for worldly and spiritual gains. Venus is exalted in the Pisces sign, which is the natural 12th house, this can make a person devoted and spiritual.

What is the benefit of Shash Mahapurush yoga?

The presence of Shash Mahapurush Yoga | Sasha Mahaprush Yoga makes the native hardworking, practical, and capable of achieving success through persistent efforts. Individuals with Sasha yoga in their kundali often excel in fields requiring long-term planning, strategic thinking, patience, and structured thinking. These great qualities of this particular yoga help a native become successful in their field.

Which panch mahapurush yoga is rare?

After calculating Mercury has the lowest percentage of forming its mahapurush yoga, with only 4.44% of people potentially having Mercury in Gemini or Virgo (its own signs) in a Kendra house from the Lagna. This makes Panch Mahapurush Yoga involving Mercury, also known as Bhadra Yoga, the rarest among the five planets.

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